Thursday, January 28, 2010

I need to get back in this blogging thing again but it's difficult because i don't really know where to start or what to say. i don't really feel the desire to get all serious or spiritual so ill just take it easy this time. today i woke up with a sore throat that just wouldnt quit. im skipping my classes because the one time i tried to venture outside of my apartment this morning i ended up causing a scene in the middle of the library. i was hunched over a drinking fountain, practically dying trying to suppress my coughs as i frantically(and i mean frantically) unwrapped a cough drop so that the guided tour i was interrupting would stop staring at me. i can just hear tyler durden whispering in my ear "this is your life." "this is your life" this is your life"

but moving on, i just cant figure out that age old question....what am i going to do friday night? i would love to go to this crazy german techno show in hamtram with chandi and phil but im so broke. the more frugal option is going hot tubing with my crew in commerce. at this point it probably will end up being a skok night. for those who dont know, a skok night is a night me and my siblings (eric and sarah) partake in every so often where we get together, drink copious amounts of alcohol and go do something fun. maybe the techno show? i hope. skok night sounds pretty appealing right now cause im the baby and i never have to pay. this is key people.

i should try to do something productive now. wish me luck!

and shout out to Meredith Drangin (who is most likely the only one reading this)I love your blog, you are lovely and i love you.